Many business owners worry that when they try to sell they’ll be at the mercy of the market and have little control over the types of buyers they attract. That doesn’t have to be the case. Sellers can improve the Continuer la lecture →
Les propriétaires d’entreprise craignent souvent, lorsqu’ils mettent leur compagnie en vente, de se retrouver à la merci du marché et de n’avoir que peu de contrôle sur le type d’acheteur qui sera intéressé à une transaction. Une telle situation peut Continuer la lecture →
Here’s a tip if you’re thinking of selling your Internet business: organize your documents.
Here are some examples of documents that you need to prepare for potential buyers:
– Security reports;
– A list of the programs used Continuer la lecture →
Voici un conseil si vous pensez vendre votre entreprise Internet : organisez vos documents !
Voici des exemples de documents que vous devez préparer pour les acheteurs potentiels :
– Des rapports de sécurité;
– Une liste des programmes Continuer la lecture →
Is there a best time to sell one’s business? Most of the times, we are contacted by business owners wishing to sell their company in the near future, within three to twelve months. Often, their decision is motivated by personal Continuer la lecture →
One of the recurrent questions by potential purchasers or financial institutions financing an acquisition relates to what will happen when the owner leaves. Will the company survive? How dependent is it on the seller?
We can hardly overestimate the importance of having the house in order when deciding to sell your business.
Incomplete or inaccurate information could affect the confidence of buyers who would consider incongruences as a red flag. Such inconsistencies increase the Continuer la lecture →
Discount rates or multiples when evaluating a company are directly dependent on two variables: the profitability of the business and the associated risk.
Businesses that are more profitable logically command a higher multiple. Similarly, businesses with lower risk are valued Continuer la lecture →