Selling your business? Which buyers should you target?

Selling your business? Which buyers should you target?

When the time comes to sell your business, it is essential to know who your target buyers are…


You have the choice of several types of buyers; they could be strategic buyes, pivate equity goups, or individuals. Depending on your strategy and your motivation, you should consider the pros and cons of each one.


As a seller, you need to prioritize you objectives which, for most buyers, boils down to (1) maximizing the value of your business (2) to complete a transaction in the shortest possible time, and (3) to do it confidentiality. Choosing the right buyers is crucial to attain these objectives.


The number of buyers is not necessarily the most important factor.  What matters is that the ones you target are qualified both, financially and operationally and that they understand the process. Surround yourself with buyers with the capacity to realize the growth potential of your business. Based on these criteria and on your personal perception of the various parties, you can assess whether your need to broaden you search.


In summary, your sales approach must comprise a rigorous analysis of your various potential buyers. To do achieve this, it is essential to have the support and expertise of business conveyance professionals. Mergex can save you time, optimize your approach, and offer you the best chances of concluding the successful sale of your business. Mergex already has a pool of potential buyers in many industries.


Be well supported in your sales process: contact us now for further details.