Prepare to sell your business in the current situation

Prepare to sell your business in the current situation

You were thinking of selling your business! What to do in the current situation?

We will share with you best M&A practices from the expertise of our local and international resources, to guide you through the particular world we are currently in.

Stabilize the main resources of your business to ensure that you have everything you need when activities resume.

  • Take care of your employees, customers and suppliers. The human element has never been so important. Some companies will not resist, those who resist will have the opportunity to become leaders by relying on a strong team.
  • Cash is king. Make sure you make the most of all available programs to have the cash to spend this period.

Take the time to assess your current situation and prepare for the coming turnaround.

  • If you experience a slowdown, use this time to update your business records and make sure they are complete.
  • If you plan to sell your business soon, buyers are looking for companies with well-established operations and clear records
  • Prepare for the return to your daily operations: what tasks can be done by working remotely? In the short term, ajust your operation to respect the standards of social distancing that you will probably have to demonstrate.

Contact us to have a confidential discussion to meet your specific needs.